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Italian Network for Lagoon Research

Rete Italiana per la Ricerca Ecologica nelle Zone Costiere e Aree di Transizione

LAGUNET 2016: Congresso della Rete Italiana per lo Studio delle Lagune

Lunedì, 21 Novembre, 2016 - 19:00 to Mercoledì, 23 Novembre, 2016 - 21:32
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Lesina (Fg) c/o Sala Convegni, Via Massimiliano Biscotti (lungolago)
71010  Lesina  Foggia

"The Italian transitional environments and adjacent areas towards the BLUE ECONOMY.

State of knowledge and perspectives. "

Topics of Congress

Conservation of Biodiversity and economic growth. human impact effect on the resilience of ecosystems. Evaluation of the ecological quality of transitional waters. Key ecosystem processes that support the biological resources. Management, conservation and use of transitional environments.

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